Maria Cruz
OXO Tower
Tools Used
Blade, ruler, glue, light structure, cardboard structure and tape.
Which London landmark did you choose and why?
I choose the Oxo tower because I wanted to build a landmark that hasn’t being previously represented in paper. I thought this could be a good opportunity to make my own version.
Talk us through the process of making the piece.
The whole process took me 3 days. I started with a little sketch and later I used the computer to create templates to speed up the process.
After printing the designs I hand cut the shapes with a blade and a ruler. I built a couple rough (functional) versions first to ensure the light structure could fit inside the building before starting the final piece.
What was the most challenging part of the brief?
The brief gave artists a lot of freedom to create their own stuff. The most difficult part for me was to simplifying all the details of the building and adding the light structure which means you have to figure it out how to fit everything inside the piece.
What part of the brief did you enjoy the most?
Having the chance to get involved in a project with other artists around the world. It was really cool to see how each person interpreted the landmarks according to their points of view and styles.